How to get out from under the junk mail-- this is by FAR the best advice I have seen anywhere, and I can see others like me who have responded to it
Bloggers addenum to original post:
Recognize that the junk mail that is targeted to the vulnerable and seniors usually sells
WORTHLESS products/
get rich quick schemes,
pyramid schemes,
secret health formulas
-- all too good be true.
At a minimum, the VICTIM who responds to this junk mail pays for shipping and handling to cover MORE junk mail promotional items, veiled as the free product. In addition, the victim may fill out forms containing personal information which is then sold to sucker lists or used for other scams perpetrated by the same individuals but under cover a different products.
The JUNK MAIL route is just ONE route of access into the homes of the vulnerable. Once the Junk mailers have an email address they can continue to send their product without the cost of postage.
Once the junk mailers have an email adresss and/or a phone number they can build a relationship which is the foundation for many a successful CON/ Scam of the vulnerable (see my November, 2014 postings related to this- "How to understand it all")