It is still generally believed that you have a right to make poor choices for yourself, as long as you are competent to make those poor choices.
I eventually came to peace with the poor medical choices made by my parents. I have held the belief of health care autonomy for competent individuals, the right to make poor choices.
And, I remain fairly comfortable with that still today.
But do not be mistaken about your poor choices being a victim-less crime unless you live in total isolation of all people.
At the least, the people who love you will be the victims.
At the most, the whole world will be the victims.
I didn't realize I was so passionate about vaccinations until I unfriended someone on Facebook last summer, because of all of their anti-vaccination posts.
I can no longer defend your right to all personal poor choices.
As we transition into dementia, do we retain our right to make poor choices?
In American society, families can have a great deal of influence to deal with these situations, but as my story illustrates, families can't always prevent disaster. Social services are limited in what they can actually achieve. The courts are the last resort.
and who makes the ultimate determination of where the competence begins or ends, and where our right to poor choices ends? It has to be very extreme to merit extra-familial formal intervention.
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