Monday, February 2, 2015

A wanted felon is calling

February 2010

I see a note on your desk.  It has a name on it, with a phone number.

I google the name.

It is a Most Wanted Felon from the state of Utah.


We eventually discover this is the source of the credit card fraud.


Other notes that I find also link the same individual to activities I would classify as investment fraud.


Although I reported it all to police in 2 different states, and though the involved credit card companies spoke with me many times on the phone, I believe that justice and due process was never achieved.


The notes would suggest, and you also explain to me, that the felon presented himself as an expert in retrieving lost assets, lost through credit card fraud......

You believe that the felon is a legitimate business person who is going to help you retrieve lost assets.

Your hand written notes state the following:

Name of Felon , phone number of Felon
"Access to online accounts to be able to process disputes.  You will need to activate and register the accounts online" (clearly he was writing down what someone was dictating to him)

The same note also appears to chronicle a series of credit card balance transfers:
10000 was processed by American Express
6880 was processed by Bank of America.
later, 10000 was moved to City Card to get free interest
How much of this was at the direction of the felon, and over what period of time did the interactions take place?

The credit card receipts show the purchase of many things, none by you,  including


The fraudsters will assist the computer illiterate in signing up for online accounts access, which can then be more easily manipulated by the fraudsters.

At the time, I was in a battle of changing passwords and access, as I tried to shut down the accounts and gain control.

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