Saturday, February 7, 2015

We are all vulnerable

I started this blog, focusing on the story of my dad, the vulnerable character.

But, as I write, I keep discovering other vulnerable characters.

I have known so many vulnerable characters.

I am also a vulnerable character.

And I realize that we are all vulnerable, to something, sometime.


By the very nature of caring about a vulnerable character, we must open ourselves up enough to be vulnerable, to potential emotional expense of the interaction.


The expense of caring for some vulnerable characters is much higher than caring for others.
For example:

You (ie not dad, but someone else) are in a longstanding domestic violence situation and we all know it, but we are powerless to fix it.  You refuse help (or you are afraid to get help, afraid of consequences, afraid of loss of "love" from the abuser).  We know you won't tell the truth to the police if we were to report for you.  And, getting help might make it even more dangerous for you.
We watch helplessly, from afar, as the situation unwinds .

On another day, its a health matter, for which you refuse appropriate care, which could have grave consequences of death or disability.

Both are upsetting.

Still, I would rather see you die of a medical condition, due to poor choices,  than murder.

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